Module 7
How Advocates Can Support Sexual Assault Victims During Every Stage of the Criminal Justice System Process


Modules 2, 3, 4, and 5 explained the phases of a sexual assault case as it moves through the criminal justice system and the rights of victims during each of those phases. Where do victim advocates fit within these processes? Victim advocates can play a meaningful role in advocating for clients who are sexual assault victims at every stage. This module provides victim advocates with concrete ways to help victims who are deciding whether to navigate the criminal justice system, or are already navigating that system. As previous modules explained, many laws and criminal justice system processes vary based on local laws and practices. This module provides broad ideas for advocacy on behalf of sexual assault victims and identifies key local information that victim advocates should seek out to assist in their advocacy.

This module will be available to you as soon as you complete Module 1. To complete a module, you must read each of the lessons and complete the review quiz at the end.

It is important to finish Module 1 so that you have sufficient context for the rest of the program. After that, you'll have full access to jump between lessons however works best for you.

Tip: In the left sidebar, you'll notice a vertical bar of squares. Each square represents a lesson in that module. You can see at a glance which lessons you've done (brightly colored) and which ones you have not (gray).

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