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Technical Help

Help for Technical Issues


Accessing the Site

Are you having technical difficulties using this web site? The following suggestions take care of about 80% of the problems that people encounter.

  1. The first time you access the class you will need to register.
  2. To register, close this window and look for the Register option on the menu. During registration, make sure that you correctly enter your email address, as this is needed for sending you notifications, and jot down your username and password.
  3. On subsequent visits you can log in with your username and password from the Login page.



This site is designed to work with the following browsers:

  1. Internet Explorer (7.0 and newer versions)
  2. Firefox (latest version)

It may work fine with other browsers or other versions, but we only provide support for the listed browsers.
If you need to download one of these browsers, click on one of the above links.



This site requires the use of something known as temporary cookies. For most people this will not be an issue, but if you get a message about disabled cookies while registering or logging in, you will need to adjust the settings on your browser. See instructions below for the supported browsers.

Internet Explorer
  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab, and then click Sites.
  3. In Address of Web site, type https://www.njep-ipsacourse.org/
  4. To specify that you want Internet Explorer to always allow cookies from the specified Web site to be saved on your computer, click Allow.
  1. Go to Tools, Options. Choose Privacy, then click on the + next to Cookies.
  2. Select the Exceptions button.
  3. Type https://something.legalmomentum.org in the Address of web site: box, then click Allow for Session.
  4. Click OK, OK to close the windows.


Password Reset

If you should forget your password, request a new one from the Reset Password section on the Login page. Enter the email address that you used at registration. The system will generate a new password for you and email it to your email address.


Opening PDF files with Adobe Acrobat Reader

There may be instances where you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free, to be installed on your computer. To determine whether or not Acrobat Reader is installed on your computer, click on the sample pdf. If the document does not automatically open, you may need to install Acrobat Reader. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to Download Adobe Acrobat.


Some Other Tips
  • You can use the "Back" button to return to previously viewed pages.
  • If you are unable to see the full lines of text across the screen (e.g., if the lines look incomplete on the right side of the screen), be sure that your window is fully maximized. To do this, click on the maximize icon in the very top right of the screen.
  • If your printed page displays lines of type that are cut off, it could be a problem with your printer settings. Ask your computer support person for help with these types of problems.


Still Having Problems . . . ?

Contact the Web Master. Please provide as much detail as possible, including any error messages, a description of what you were doing when the problem occurred, your email address and phone number.


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