The Resources The resources on this page address the justice system’s response to
sexual abuse, domestic violence and stalking. Select the topic you wish to see from the dropdown menu to the left.
Treatise Chapter
The treatise chapter addresses all three topics:
Lynn Hecht Schafran,Why Empirical Data Must Inform Practice, Violence Against Women: Law and Litigation 1.1(David Frazee, ed. 1997).
This treatise chapter provides substantive information to dispel myths about rape, domestic violence, stalking and child sexual abuse in order to prevent these myths from distorting legal and judicial processes.
Kinds of Resources
Several different kinds of resources are available: publications, web sites, web courses, videos and DVDs.
About Web Courses
These web-courses are open to the public. Just go the site and register, creating
your own username and password. You will log in each time you return to the
About Videos and DVDs
The ordering information for these videos and DVDs is provided.
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