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This course was researched and written by the National Judicial Education Program to Promote Equality for
Women and Men in the Courts, a project of Legal Momentum in cooperation with the National Association
of Women Judges. Web-based instructional course design, web design and programming, and the New Mexico
state-specific materials were provided by
the Rozier E. Sanchez Judicial Education Center of New Mexico Institute
of Public Law at the University of New Mexico Law School.
An effort of this magnitude comes to fruition only with the help of many people. We are grateful
to the web designers, consulting project attorneys, evaluators, support staff and interns who have worked
to put this curriculum together. Their names are listed below:
For the National Judicial Education Program
Lynn Hecht Schafran, Esq.
Director, National Judicial Education Program
Mary Rothwell Davis, Esq.
Consulting Project Attorney
Stefanie Lopez-Boy
Program Associate
Jillian Weinberger
Program Associate
Allison Wilner
Program Associate
Maureen Conner, Ph.D.
Independent Evaluator
Heather Parker
Legal Intern 2007
Lisa Cloutier
Legal Intern 2006
Marci Levelle
Intern 2008
Joanna Tsoumpas
Intern 2008
Emily Coffin
Intern 2007
Katherine Smith
Intern 2006
Advisory Committee
Judge Ronald Adrine
Cleveland Municipal Court
Cleveland, Ohio
Justine Olderman
Criminal Defense Attorney
The Bronx Defenders
Bronx, New York
Judge Mel Flanagan
Milwaukee County Circuit Court
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Judge Eugene Hyman
Santa Clara County Superior Court
San Jose, California
Judge Michael Keasler
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
Austin, Texas
For the University of New Mexico Institute of Public Law
Paul Biderman
Leslie Kryder
Instructional Systems Design and Technology Specialist
Steve Circeo
Assisting Web Designer
Erin Larivee
Technical Specialist
Lynn Provencio
Technology Specialist
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Tara Matzick, UNM student, and Robert Christner, UNM Accessibility Services, for
their insight and suggestions toward making this site ADA compliant.
For their ideas and assistance in the early phases of this project we thank
David Tevelin and Kathy Schwartz, formerly of the State Justice Institute; and
Claudia Bayliff, Esq., Claudia Kelly Dixon, Esq., Nicole Hannen, Jennifer Mauldin,
Amy Morton and Nikea Schram for the National Judicial Education Program; and Pamela
Castaldi and Pamela Lambert, Esq., for the New Mexico Judicial Education Center.