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Resource Search
Search for Information

In addition to the text of the course, this site contains an extensive database of legal and research documents on the subject of intimate partner sexual abuse.

Two kinds of searches are available on this site. Search the resources database to return reference documents and links to other pertinent websites. Search site pages to look up material in the course.

Search the Resources Database

You have two options here. You can select one or more keywords from the list. The search will return citations for resources that match any of those keywords exactly. (If a PDF of the full text is available, a link to it will be provided.) All resources in the database will match at least one of the keywords.

Or, you can enter freeform text in the text area. The search will match any word that is part of the resource citation, for example, author name, year, or publication title, and also any keywords associated with the resource.

Keyword List

Freeform Text


Search Site Pages

The search will look for the word or phrase that you specify in the course material.


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