Investing + Planned Giving

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Please make a gift today. We offer several ways to make a contribution.

  • Mail a check to Legal Momentum 32 Broadway Suite 1801 New York NY 10004
  • Donate with a credit card at
  • Contribute using your mobile device: text the word WOMEN to 243725 and follow the user-friendly instructions
  • Transfer appreciated securities by contacting Ben Bernard at Bridgewater
  • Consider a planned gift, joining the Equal Rights Legacy Society (ERLS) or other options best for your charitable investment goals - contact our team at or 212-413-7571

We are recognized as a “highly transparent” non-profit – with our tax filings available on our website – so you can be assured we will spend your donation wisely. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Financial and other information about our purpose, programs, activities and charitable solicitation compliance are accessible throughout this website.

Deepest thanks for your support. You make our work possible.

For inquiries regarding donations or donation receipts, please contact us at