Pioneering. Impactful. Historic.

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Letter from our CEO on our 50th Anniversary

We are proud to bring to you this re-designed website after over a year of hard work by all our team - a powerful new resource for the women and girls of our nation. In these COVID-19 times, with women the majority at the front lines of this pandemic, this resource comes at a deeply needed time.

Please read the full letter

Carol Baldwin Moody | President and CEO | May 2020


The nation's first and oldest legal defense and education fund for women, we were co-founded by Muriel Fox and other acclaimed gender equality leaders who built a pioneering Board of Directors that included inaugural members like Betty Friedan author of The Feminine Mystique. Explore our 50 years of legal impact. Learn more about our founding and the fight for women's equality.

testimonial from CYNTHIA, Victim advocate

"I was so excited to receive the SYMS | Legal Momentum's Helpline very welcomed emails. The information shared means hope for the family we are helping. This has been a difficult case and needs all the attention and guidance we can summon. Thank you for your diligence."

Ferry, Idaho | Feburary 2020


Our vision is for all women and girls to realize their full potential. With a mission focused on ensuring economic and personal security for all women and girls by advancing equity in education, the workplace, and the courts, we provide an expert legal voice to seek justice for women. Our five areas of legal impact are how we work to achieve this mission.


Our groundbreaking work would not be possible without the individual donations of passionate supporters across the country, visonary foundations, forward thinking govermental entities, and corporations intent on women's advancement. Please join us in thanking these remarkable financial investors and the deeply appreciated pro-bono support of law firms across the nation who help make our work possible.

Board of Directors

Proud to be led by some of the nation's most influential leaders in gender equality, business, law, and non-profit leadership, please meet our exceptional Board of Directors.

Staff Team

Honored to have acclaimed diversity champion Carol Baldwin Moody as our President and CEO, our staff team includes internationally renowned gender justice expert Lynn Hecht Schafran, a deep bench of dedicated and passionate attorneys with equally committed program managers and support staff. Learn more about our dedicated Staff Team.

Annual Reports and Financials

We are recognized for our exceptional financial transparency. Learn more here.

Press Releases

For all press inquiries, email

Explore our Unwavering Strategic Approaches

Sexual Violence