Online Training for Victim Advocates: Helping Sexual Assault Victims Navigate the Criminal Justice System

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Victim advocates play a critical role in many aspects of victims’ lives and decisions in the aftermath of a sexual assault. One area in which victims may seek advocates’ advice is whether to engage with the criminal justice system at all. If they do report the crime, victims often want to know what to expect in the several phases of what can be a long and challenging process. Helping Sexual Assault Victims Navigate the Criminal Justice System and its companion state-specific guide provide the information advocates need to be able to respond to victims’ questions about the criminal justice system in advocates’ own jurisdictions. The course explores the myriad issues surrounding sexual assault in our society, which is epidemic across the country and inflicts profound harm on victims, yet remains vastly under-reported and under-prosecuted.

Access the Victim Advocate Web Course

NOTE: This web course is a supplement to victim advocate training; it is not meant to be a substitute for victim advocate training. This training asks you to relate the analysis of the criminal justice system to your role and experience as an advocate. Additionally, this training does not count toward the training hours or requirements needed in order to be certified as an advocate in any state. If you have any questions about the course or have taken it and have comments/feedback, please reach out to us at