Criminal and Civil Studies: The "Course Progress" page contains a
separate chart listing each
civil and criminal Study. As with the course modules, your progress through the Studies will
be noted here as either "Not Begun," "In Progress," or "Completed." There are eight Studies in all.
Each Study is summarized so that you can pick which most apply to your work. You do not have to
complete all eight Studies. These are meant for you to apply the knowledge you have gained from
the course to plausible cases.
The layout for the web pages in the civil and criminal case studies is the same as the module pages.
Each Study is divided into different sections, as indicated by the breadcrumbs in the left column
of the page. After each section of the Study, there will be questions about how best to proceed
in the case. Once you have finished answering these questions, click on the "See Answers" button for
feedback and links to relevant pages in the course for more information.
For multiple choice/check-all-that-apply questions, the correct answers will be bolded and explanations
for each choice will appear below the question. If you answer incorrectly, the question will be bolded
in maroon. For short answer questions, commentary and suggestions will be provided for each question
with links back to relevant material in the course. As with the Self-Assessments discussed later, your
answers will be recorded but not associated with your username or email nor will they be used for any purpose.