Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse
Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases
National Judicial Education Program
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Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse Course Help

Printing Help

PDFs of the module text are available in the Table of Contents of every module. The link for these PDFs, which is indicated with maroon lettering and an underline, are posted at the top of the table of contents next to the module title and webpage count.

Printouts show the Middle Column and Right Column of the webpage, that is, the content and resources. The PDFs do not contain the state-specific materials.

The text of each module can be printed in its entirety or page-by-page.

Complete Text

A PDF of the complete text for each module is available as a link from the Course Progress page. The table on that page has a column on the far right headed "Print." The link to the module PDF is indicated in this column by the letters PDF in maroon with an underline.

Printouts show the middle column and right columns of the web page, that is, the content and resources. The PDFs do not show the left-hand navigation column or the state-specific materials.


Individual pages can be printed while navigating the module text. To print out a single module page, go to the "File" menu in your browser and select "Print." The printout of the page will show only the middle column and right columns of the webpage, that is, content and resources.

Help → Printing Help
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