All but three course modules contain at least one self-test or reflection question. While we
strongly encourage you to take these self-tests so you can apply the module material, you do not
have to. If you do, your answers will not be collected or otherwise used by your state’s judicial
education office or the National Judicial Education Program. If you choose to take the self-tests,
you can check your answers by clicking the "See Answers" button at the bottom of each page. In order
to view the answers, however, you must answer every question. The answers include links to relevant
sections within the module where the relevant subject matter is discussed.
As mentioned before, the links in the answers will open in the same window. To return to the self-test
page, hit the "Back" button in your browser.
Reflection Questions
The reflection questions provide an opportunity for you to dig deeper into the material and offer
your own thoughts about potential solutions to the problems in question. Answers to reflection questions
will be collected anonymously — i.e., neither your username nor your email will be associated with the
reflection question answers. Neither your state judicial educator nor the National Judicial Education
Program will be able to associate your username to your answers.
What will your answers be used for? The National Judicial Education Program uses these responses to
highlight interesting and helpful suggestions for judges around the country from their colleagues.
Answers to the reflection questions may also be used to update the "Recommendations" section of the site.
If you would like to offer your comments and suggestions to us directly, you can use the form on the
website to email us directly. [LINK: to web form for comments that will send emails to]