Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse
Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases
National Judicial Education Program
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Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse Course Help

Getting Started
  • While guests can look at the Introduction and Keypoints of each module to get a feel for the course contents, you will need to register to get started with the course. Create a username and password that are familiar to you and that you will remember, and make a note of it.
  • You will have to provide your email address so you can receive a new username or password in case you forget yours. Please be sure to enter your email address correctly.
  • On the registration page, required fields are marked with an asterisk.
  • In order to view information about laws specific to your state, select a "Course Material State" from the dropdown menu on the registration page. You also must select a Continuing Judicial Education "CJE" state in order to get credit for taking the course.

    NOTE: Although we have invited every state judicial education office to post material specific to their state, we cannot guarantee they have done so. We also cannot guarantee that every state will provide CJE credit.
  • Register Now!
  • Go to the Module Outlines

Once You Have Logged In

Upon logging in, you will see the "Main Index: Course Progress" page. It displays a chart listing the titles of all the modules and a second chart listing the titles of the civil and criminal case studies. The status of your progress through each is indicated in the right column of the chart as "Not Begun," "In Progress" or "Completed."

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